Traci Bautista
Mixed media/designer.
Mixed media/designer.
Traci Bautista is one of the artists that inspires me most, not only with the use of
collage but the layout of her backgrounds.
She left a very successful marketing and graphic design career in 2001 to pursue her one true passion for art and expand her creative side. She has become an skilful mixed media designer, entrepreneur, influential artist, teacher and now an author to the two books she has released, “Collage Unleashed” and “Doodles Unleashed”.
Her art has been in several magazines, many mixed media books and all over blogs. Bautista's fame has expanded ever since the release of her bestselling book collage unleashed. She uses her past experiences to expand and create the work she produces now , and due to her relaxed way of working she is able to explore without boundaries.
She has now developed
in such a way that she is working with large companies and has
her work all over the web, but not only that, she is now planning on opening her own art studio for the public and for her own benefit.
I am very fond of
watching Traci Bautista's workshop videos online as not only do they inspire
me for my own work but help me understand the simplicity of it yet it
looking so detailed, and then being able to incorporate that into my
own work. She uses a large amount of colour in her work which I admire, as her colours are bold and impactive. She includes the use of overprint which intensifies and frames the vivid background. I think this technique will work well to not detract away from the main painting in my own work.
Personally, it
isn't that easy to compare pieces of her work with other sections of
it as she uses a wide range of collage and prints unevenly across all
her work to make it all look personalised.
In my opinion her work
is very easily separated from other artists as her style is very recognisable To help me progress, she uses simple, almost childlike prints and application of paint but layers it in such a complex and intricate way that it looks mature. Not only by the way she works and taking
that initial approach and extending the idea further, by including texture that evolve from Barcelo's influence.
Thanks to Bautista I have
now discovered many ways in which I can expand my media base using such media as
print, layered paint effects, and 3D textures with my accurate media style of portraiture.

Link to Traci Bautista's workshops> Youtube Tutorials
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